A new study in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology found that mRNA vaccines may actually impair the immune system. The new study, findings included the following: mRNA vaccines promote sustained synthesis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The spike protein is neurotoxic, and it impairs DNA repair mechanisms. Suppression of type I interferon responses […]
Category: Covid Vaccine Information

Below you can view the full interview of Joe Rogan with Dr. Robert Malone, who was recently banned on Twitter just prior to appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience. As he mentioned in the interview, he still does not know why he has been banned by Twitter as of yet. The full transcript is below […]
A new report from the UK Health and Security Agency shows that vaccine boosters in the U.K. are providing people with better protection against hospitalization and deaths from the Omicron variant. Their report showed a reduced overall risk of hospitalization for Omicron compared to Delta, so data is confirming that this is a more mild […]

According to a new study by the ONS (Office for National Statistics) in the UK, triple-vaccinated individuals are 4.5 more likely to test positive for Omicron than unvaccinated individuals. The analysis used data from 1,816 individuals between the dates of November 29th, 2021-December 12th, 2021. The study PDF can be viewed or downloaded here. Screening […]

Masks are a controversial topic right now. Many people want to know the truth on masks and if they really are effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19. As is typical with COVID related information we see and hear in the media and read on social media, much of that information is incorrect. If you […]

If you’re looking for the Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, YouTube has censored the video and removed it so you cannot find it there. You can watch or listen on Spotify (see links below) but this video is nearly 3 hours long. For those that don’t have the time to watch/listen to the […]
A recent study by cardiologist Steven R. Gundry, MD is creating concern around mRNA vaccines. Recently he presented his findings to the American Heart Association (AHA) in November 2021. According to Dr. Gundry, the risk of developing acute coronary syndrome (ACS) significantly increased in patients after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. The study included 566 men […]
Breaking down the latest large study comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity According to findings from a large Israeli study involving hundreds of thousands of individuals ages 16 and up, the answer is “yes”, natural immunity provides more protection against the Delta variant than vaccination. Significantly more protection actually. Because of reports of waning […]
Ivermectin is currently being used in many countries around the world in order to treat and prevent COVID-19. Some of the places where there is country wide adoption includes Bangladesh, Belize, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hondurus, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. It is actually currently used for nearly 23% […]